Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 3: Phillip Island - Melbourne

Honorary road tripper: Shell.
Shell flew down from Sydney to join us for the weekend in Melbourne.

Special thanks to Ash for having us to stay.

Before setting off from Phillip Island we slathered ourselves in sunscreen and hiked out to Woolamai Peninsula to see the red granite pinnacles. We had been warned about the abundance of snakes, and they weren't kidding. There were slippery snake tracks across the path every 10 steps or so!
This was the view:

We then headed up to Melbourne where we had a fantastic night out in New Guernica and Tuscan Bar.

Song of the day: Club Can't Handle Me
Word of the day: We didn't come across one despite using 'do you have a word of the day?' as a pick-up line in bars. Fail.
Moment of the day: When the waiter at the Japanese restaurant stuck his finger in his ears and said 'please lower. Too much soprano' about my high pitched voice!!!


  1. Looks beautiful & lucky you with the weather it's grey & damp here in Sydney.
    Watch out for all the nasties....
    Mum xx

  2. I haven't been able to stop laughing about the waiter telling your off for your high pitched voice! Chans your trip looks AMAZE! Photos are spectacular! xx
